Window replacement in Regina

If you take a look around at your home, you will see that older doors and windows are much less energy-efficient than today’s optimum, mandatory use of high-performance products, and if your old window panes are still in good shape, they aren’t doing so good. This is why window replacement is a great service to update your windows and save money in the long run.

Window Replacement For Better Insulation

The problem with virtually all of your old windows is that they are too simple in design. They are proposed and manufactured in a way to assure that air must pass between the panes. This causes the insulation to be lost and the units begin to absorb your home’s heat, causing your furnace and air-conditioning units to work overtime especially in older homes.  Often the outside ground is not insulated near the outside window frame, leaving you to choose between letting your expensive, drafty air back in or paying higher energy bills every month. A good window replacement is a simple solution to all those problems. 

If you are looking for window replacement applications, the Internet will provide you with some options that may include double or triple-pane glass as an alternative to the original single-pane units. At Everflow, we also offer a new type of vinyl windows that will save you money on your energy bills.

residential window replacement

Windows in Canada

Consider the lifetime of a window. In Canada, most window replacement has a warranty of the original manufacturer or the window company for a period not less than five years.  For a little extra money, you can get something that is equally long-lasting. Window Companies usually have installation requirements in place. The purchase of a window replacement service means that you do not have to risk installing the windows wrong and costing you even more in the long run.


Small Repairs

Small repairs on a window replacement may seem intimidating but are easy to do by yourself. There are many do-it-yourself stores or available resources that offer a selection of window repair tips.  The worst thing is not knowing how to do it – not understanding how. At Everflow, we are here not only to replace, install or repair your windows, but we also want to educate our customers. If you are not comfortable doing small repairs on your windows, we are always available to jump in and help.

Window Replacement Regina

Contact Us

If you are in need of window replacement in Regina or if you want us to install or repair your windows, Everflow is always here to help! Give us a call or contact us via our website to get more information or to get a quick quote.